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Dr. Jodi Kennedy Events

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A Total Body Approach to Stress

Unearth the Physical, Emotional & Nutritional Root of Stress & Anxiety

Thursday, November 12th, 7:30pm

Presented by Dr. Jodi Kennedy

Dealing with chronic stress and anxiety is exhausting, frustrating and nerve racking. It creates a state of disease in the body and increases the risk of many health problems, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Digestive problems
  • Headaches
  • Heart disease
  • Pain & tension
  • Sleep problems
  • Weight gain
  • Memory and concentration impairment

It is important to learn healthy ways to cope with the many stresses in life. Dr. Jodi Kennedy, owner of Integrity Chiropractic states, “A total-body approach is essential to effectively manage stress and anxiety because everything in our body is connected, top to bottom and inside and out. This innate connection began at conception and remained as our cells multiplied and divided into specialized cells for the heart, nerves, muscles and other tissues. That is why a holistic approach is the key to unlocking a sense of inner-calm and well-being”.

Dr. Jodi Kennedy will be presenting “A Total-Body Approach to Stress & Anxiety” on Tuesday, November 12 at 7:30 at Studio Around the Corner in Brewster, NY. This interactive workshop will empower guests with practical tips to alleviate stress naturally. Visitors will learn the common physical, emotional and nutritional root of stress that is blocking the body’s ability to heal and discover simple strategies to get well and stay well.

Dr. Jodi Kennedy uses a holistic approach that can help anyone form 2-92 to experience long lasting, natural pain relief from a variety of chronic problems like fibromyalgia, TMJ and heartburn. She is dedicated to empowering the community with the ability to maintain a healthy, active, pain free lifestyle.

As a young girl, Dr. Kennedy witnessed first-hand the life-changing power of chiropractic to restore her dad’s health & quality of life when traditional medicine had failed him. For the past 17 years, she has had the joy of helping the community locally & abroad in Cambodia. She is excited to be going on her third mission trip to Cambodia in 2020.

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Events | Dr. Jodi Kennedy | (845) 628-7233